ACEF's Staff
ACEF employs the following staff to manage our administrative operations efficiently and effectively.

Lisa A. Kazanjian, Executive Director
Having served as a Board member and Treasurer of ACEF the past few years, Lisa is proud to assume the position of Executive Director in its 50th year! Her goals are to enhance communications and streamline processes.
During her 25+-year career in marketing, Lisa created and implemented dozens of marketing plans that effectively and strategically targeted consumers and organizations, impacting overall branding, referrals and revenue. Her experience on both the advertising agency and client sides demanded keen attention to detail, the ability to manage diverse projects within tight deadlines and strong skills in strategic planning,
budgeting, media planning, business development, brand compliance, relationship building, writing, data analysis, and more. She looks forward to applying these skills and more in her new role.
Lisa graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School with a dual major in finance and marketing and is a lifelong member of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Apostolic Church in Wynnewood, Pa. There she served on the Parish Council for three terms, as co-chair of its Christmas Bazaar and Annual Picnic, a committee member of the April 24th Symposium and Exhibition and president of ACYOA. An active member of the Philadelphia Armenian community, Lisa has represented the church on the Philadelphia
Intracommunal Committee and the Philadelphia Armenian Genocide Committee. She also created and spearheaded the first community walkathons aimed at raising Armenian Genocide awareness and funds.
Feel free to contact Lisa at
Berjouhi Saladin, Administrator
Berjouhi has been ACEF’s full-time administrator since 2006 following ACEF becoming separately incorporated. Prior to this role, Berjouhi divided her time as the Executive Assistant to the Diocesan Development Director and the ACEF Executive Director. She joined the staff of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America in 1997 as the Diocesan Centennial Coordinator. She remained with the Diocese, dividing her time as Executive Assistant to the Diocesan Development Director and the ACEF Executive Director.
Berjouhi has always worked in the non-profit community, having served for five years as a supervising proofreader at the New York Public Library and the following 14 as the office manager at PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service), a non-profit organization publishing a bibliographic index in the field of economics, government and social services. Berjouhi lives in Bayside, NY and has three children and seven grandchildren.
How do we begin the process of setting up an endowment?
If you are interested in establishing an endowment with ACEF, please contact Berjouhi at or 212-812-2255.