Robert E. Cannuscio rejoined ACEF after a one year hiatus due to term limits. Rob had previously served as a Board Member from 2013–2021. He is a partner at the law firm of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, where he specializes in Intellectual Property Law. Rob is a member of St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Church in Wynnewood, PA.

Gregory Melconian joined the organization as a Board Member. Greg is a member of the senior leadership team of HSBC’s Investment Banking Division and has more than 25 years of investment banking experience.
He served on the St.Nersess Seminary board and is a member of St. Stepanos Church in Elberon, NJ.

Richard Papalian, currently retired, has been CEO of Papalian Capital Partners, Inc., a privately held real estate investment firm. He currently serves as Chair of the Diocesan Council and Treasurer of St.Nersess Seminary. Richard is an active member of St. Gregory the Enlightener in White Plains, NY.

In 2022, ACEF welcomed The Very Rev. Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, as the new President of ACEF.

Nancy Berberian stepped down from the Board at the end of her three-year term. The ACEF Board would like to express its gratitude for Nancy’s service on ACEF’s Audit Committee.